Friday, May 24, 2019

Solomon Debow Land Sale 1812

Lands and Mills For Sale

The Subscriber, wishing to remove to his possessions in Danville, offers for sale his Lands, Mills and Distillery in Caswell county. His Lands consist of sundry tracts, adjoining or near to each other, containing in the whole about eleven hundred acres. They lie about 2 1/2 miles from Caswell Court-House, on the waters of Country-Line Creek. These Lands are well watered and well timbered; a great part consist of good Tobacco Land, and all well adapted to the culture of wheat and corn. The Plantation is in good repair and a considerable Crop of Wheat is sowed on it.

The Dwelling House is new, large and commodious; it is 58 feet long, 38 feet wide, contains ten rooms, besides two large apartments in the cellar; 7 of the rooms are neatly plaistered, and one elegantly papered. It is situated on an eminence which commands a view of the court house and the surrounding country. There is a good framed Kitchen and other convenient Out Houses.

The Mills are on Country Line Creek, which is the best stream in the county. The Grist Mills are double geared, running 3 pair of large stones; and one fixed with all the necessary machinery for manufacturing flour, and with excellent bolting cloths. The Flour Mills are equal to any in North Carolina. The Saw Mill is constructed upon the most appropriate plan, and the surrounding country abounds with good timber. These Mills have been lately built and are in perfect repair.

The Distillery contains 3 large Stills; the house is large and well fixed.

These Mills and the Distillery, exclusive of the Plantation and other Improvements, are now rented for $1000 per year -- Some idea of their value may be formed from the amount of their rent.

I will sell this property in whole or in part, to suit the purchaser. Good bargains will be given for Cash or for Negroes -- or for good Bonds, payable at some early period.

The Lands are situated in a wealthy, genteel and flourishing neighborhood.

Solomon Debow
Sept. 27, 1812

Weekly Raleigh Register (Raleigh, North Carolina), 23 October 1812, Friday, Page 1.

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