Lands and Mills For Sale
The Subscriber, wishing to remove to his possessions in Danville, offers for sale his Lands, Mills and Distillery in Caswell county. His Lands consist of sundry tracts, adjoining or near to each other, containing in the whole about eleven hundred acres. They lie about 2 1/2 miles from Caswell Court-House, on the waters of Country-Line Creek. These Lands are well watered and well timbered; a great part consist of good Tobacco Land, and all well adapted to the culture of wheat and corn. The Plantation is in good repair and a considerable Crop of Wheat is sowed on it.
The Dwelling House is new, large and commodious; it is 58 feet long, 38 feet wide, contains ten rooms, besides two large apartments in the cellar; 7 of the rooms are neatly plaistered, and one elegantly papered. It is situated on an eminence which commands a view of the court house and the surrounding country. There is a good framed Kitchen and other convenient Out Houses.
The Mills are on Country Line Creek, which is the best stream in the county. The Grist Mills are double geared, running 3 pair of large stones; and one fixed with all the necessary machinery for manufacturing flour, and with excellent bolting cloths. The Flour Mills are equal to any in North Carolina. The Saw Mill is constructed upon the most appropriate plan, and the surrounding country abounds with good timber. These Mills have been lately built and are in perfect repair.
The Distillery contains 3 large Stills; the house is large and well fixed.
These Mills and the Distillery, exclusive of the Plantation and other Improvements, are now rented for $1000 per year -- Some idea of their value may be formed from the amount of their rent.
I will sell this property in whole or in part, to suit the purchaser. Good bargains will be given for Cash or for Negroes -- or for good Bonds, payable at some early period.
The Lands are situated in a wealthy, genteel and flourishing neighborhood.
Solomon Debow
Sept. 27, 1812
Weekly Raleigh Register (Raleigh, North Carolina), 23 October 1812, Friday, Page 1.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
NC Highway 86 (Caswell County, NC)
NC Highway 14 South |
The photograph location is just east/southeast of Yanceyville, NC. To the right is the farm road that became part of South Gatewood Road (S.R.-1780). The view is down the hill to the Country Line Creek bridge. Click photograph to see a larger image. first.
The Bee (Danville, Virginia) 18 October 1926 (Page 1)
Hundreds of Danville motorists tried out the new concrete road linking the Virginia line with Caswell county courthouse. This highway known as Route No. 14 is now a 16-foot causeway well finished with the "herring bone" design and well pitched, especially at the numerous
curves in the road. Motorists yesterday had to make the 200 yard detour paralleling the unopened stretch from Gatewood to the state line but the entire stretch is due to be opened today.
The road does not appear to be as wide as the Reidsville road, but it is a great improvement over the old dirt road, which at places developed the "corduroy" finish. Workmen will now finish building up the dirt shoulders to this road making it wider than is now the case. The stretch is 15 miles in length and will be a great benefit to the farmers coming to Danville from the fertile tobacco counties lying
beyond Yanceyville.
The road from Yanceyville to Hillsboro has been given oil treatment as an experiment. The gravel has packed down well and the road has the appearance of being asphalt and rides as smoothly as a hard surfaced road.
In the mid-1950s an 18-wheeler with a trailer full of peanuts lost its brakes going down the hill to Country Line Creek and overturned. The unharmed driver encouraged those who came to observe the wreck to take all the peanuts they wanted! Many did.
NC Highway 14 North |
N.C. 86 (and N.C. 14 before it) originally had its southern terminus in Carrboro, not Chapel Hill. Between Carrboro and Hillsborough the highway ran over today's Old N.C. 86 (of course it did, you say, that's why it's called Old N.C. 86). The Old 86 south of Hillsborough was 86'd in the mid-1950s in favor of today's alignment south to Chapel Hill.
Length: 55 miles.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Spanish-American War (Caswell County, NC)
Spanish-American War
On May 22, 1898, the 1st North Carolina Regiment was dispatched to Camp Cuba Libre in Jacksonville, Florida, for service in the Spanish-American War.
Three regiments were raised in North Carolina to participate in the Spanish-American War. The following Caswell County men have been identified: John M. Dyle [Doyle?]; Walter S. Green; Donald L. Oliver; W. Banks Horton; John A. Mebane; and Edgar Calvin Yarbrough. Only the last is known to have been in Cuba. See photograph.
On May 22, 1898, the 1st North Carolina Regiment was dispatched to Camp Cuba Libre in Jacksonville, Florida, for service in the Spanish-American War.
Three regiments were raised in North Carolina to participate in the Spanish-American War. The following Caswell County men have been identified: John M. Dyle [Doyle?]; Walter S. Green; Donald L. Oliver; W. Banks Horton; John A. Mebane; and Edgar Calvin Yarbrough. Only the last is known to have been in Cuba. See photograph.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Obediah Florance (1740-1816)
Obediah Florance Family (Caswell County, NC)
The story of a family is recorded here as an example to show where most of the settlers came from, how land was obtained, kind of homes built, and the disappearance of all the descendants from Anderson township. The place from whence this family came is the same as most other settlers, Virginia.
Obediah Florance (1740-1816) was born in Prince William County, Virginia, and on land that his great grandfather, William, received by grant. It was located on Ocaequan Creek, now Lake Jackson. The family later moved from there to Fauquier County, and then to Culpepper, Virginia, where Obediah's mother, Littice, daughter of German immigrants, Tilman and Anna Margaret (Cuntz) Whitescarver, lived and whose occupation was that of blacksmith. From that shop came the only long fish-tail hinges made in America. Obediah Florance served in the Revolutionary War, the Militia, and was assigned to the Border Patrol. From a book, "House of Hill" by Katheryn Hill Arbogast, a descendant of Obediah Florance's brother, Elder William Florance, Jr. we quote:
"Every non-commissioned officer who enlised for duration would receive a 400 acre land grant (Hennings Statute, Vol. IX, page 179 and Vol. X, page 161.)
The story of a family is recorded here as an example to show where most of the settlers came from, how land was obtained, kind of homes built, and the disappearance of all the descendants from Anderson township. The place from whence this family came is the same as most other settlers, Virginia.
Obediah Florance (1740-1816) was born in Prince William County, Virginia, and on land that his great grandfather, William, received by grant. It was located on Ocaequan Creek, now Lake Jackson. The family later moved from there to Fauquier County, and then to Culpepper, Virginia, where Obediah's mother, Littice, daughter of German immigrants, Tilman and Anna Margaret (Cuntz) Whitescarver, lived and whose occupation was that of blacksmith. From that shop came the only long fish-tail hinges made in America. Obediah Florance served in the Revolutionary War, the Militia, and was assigned to the Border Patrol. From a book, "House of Hill" by Katheryn Hill Arbogast, a descendant of Obediah Florance's brother, Elder William Florance, Jr. we quote:
"Every non-commissioned officer who enlised for duration would receive a 400 acre land grant (Hennings Statute, Vol. IX, page 179 and Vol. X, page 161.)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
White Eagle Service Station (Caswell County, NC)
White Eagle Service Station
Around 1926, B. B. and C. R. Vaughn built "White Eagle" service station and store in front of the Anderson School. Rufus A. Hooper operated it for many years. Other operators were W. F. Hurdle and Doc Hudgins, June M. Hurdle, Raymond Vinson. For many years it was closed until Jimmy Simmons reopened it in 1982. Presently Billy Simmons is the operator.
Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p. 22.
Photograph courtesy Tyler James Chandler. Click to see a larger image.
Around 1926, B. B. and C. R. Vaughn built "White Eagle" service station and store in front of the Anderson School. Rufus A. Hooper operated it for many years. Other operators were W. F. Hurdle and Doc Hudgins, June M. Hurdle, Raymond Vinson. For many years it was closed until Jimmy Simmons reopened it in 1982. Presently Billy Simmons is the operator.
Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p. 22.
Photograph courtesy Tyler James Chandler. Click to see a larger image.
Southern Caswell Ruritan Club (Caswell County, NC)
Civic Clubs
The only civic organization in the township is the Southern Caswell Ruritan Club, organized in 1962 at Anderson High School. Richard Byrd was elected as first president. Meetings were later held at "The Hut" of Bethel United Church of Christ. In 1972 the club erected a modern air conditioned building with money on hand. It is valued at more than $150,000. The charter shows forty-nine members, but many soon fell by the wayside. By 1965 the membership leveled off at about twenty-five. Membership gradually increased to fifty-one in 1983. Young men are presently taking the lead.
The club serves the community and special needs of individuals and families. An average annual expenditure on behalf of the community is about $7,000. The club is truly a community service organization.
The building became a community center for family reunions, high school class reunions, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, "Little League" baseball teams, wedding receptions, showers, farmer's meetings, benefit programs, county fire departments meetings, educational center for technical college classes, voting place for Dabbs precinct, etc. The number of weekly meetings average from four to six. No charge is made by the club for community use.
Club members who have served as Zone Governor were Nathan Simpson, Ervin Miles. J. O. Gregory, Harvey Tate, Brodie Simmons, Wayne Dabbs and Lynn Massey. District Governors have been Ervin Miles, Nathan Simpson. Hassel A. Byrd served as District Secretary.
Ervin Miles served as National Director from 1978 to 1980, Vice President of Ruritan National in 1983, and was elected President of Ruritan National in 1984.
From 1972 to 1983 the club has an unbroken perfect attendance record. Ervin Miles, Nathan Simpson, W. R. Simmons, Jr. and William Simmons have 100% attendance records since the club was organized in 1962. The 1983 roster of members is given here and symbols indicate charter members (#) and past presidents (*).
Bobby Aldridge
L. B. Aldridge, Jr.
Boyd Byrd
Hassel A. Byrd #*
Lindey J. Byrd
Roy Byrd #
Jeffrey Campbell
D. O. Chandler, Jr. #
Dwight Chandler *
Wilbur Chandler *
Leo Dabbs
O. M. Dabbs, Jr. #
Tony Dabbs
Wayne Dabbs *
Melvin Dollar
Morris Fuqua #**
Larry Fuquay
J. O. Gregory #*
Bob Hillman
Harvey Holden
W. M. Kimbro, Jr. *
Alvis King
Buddy King
Lewis King #*
George Lea
Eugene Massey
Lynn Massey *
Monroe Massey
Ervin Miles #*
Graham Miles #
Jimmy Nixon *
Tommy Pattillo #
M. Q. Plumblee #*
Gilmer Rascoe *
Charlie Rice
William Ribelin
Herman Roberts *
Brodie Simmons *
W. R. Simmons, Jr. #*
William Simmons #
Nathan Simpson #**
Tommie Smith
Herbert Stanfield
Steve Stanfield *
Harvey Tate *
George Terrell
William Travis
Lawrence Walker #
Michael Walker
Aaron Wright #
Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, pp. 80-82.
The only civic organization in the township is the Southern Caswell Ruritan Club, organized in 1962 at Anderson High School. Richard Byrd was elected as first president. Meetings were later held at "The Hut" of Bethel United Church of Christ. In 1972 the club erected a modern air conditioned building with money on hand. It is valued at more than $150,000. The charter shows forty-nine members, but many soon fell by the wayside. By 1965 the membership leveled off at about twenty-five. Membership gradually increased to fifty-one in 1983. Young men are presently taking the lead.
The club serves the community and special needs of individuals and families. An average annual expenditure on behalf of the community is about $7,000. The club is truly a community service organization.
The building became a community center for family reunions, high school class reunions, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, "Little League" baseball teams, wedding receptions, showers, farmer's meetings, benefit programs, county fire departments meetings, educational center for technical college classes, voting place for Dabbs precinct, etc. The number of weekly meetings average from four to six. No charge is made by the club for community use.
Club members who have served as Zone Governor were Nathan Simpson, Ervin Miles. J. O. Gregory, Harvey Tate, Brodie Simmons, Wayne Dabbs and Lynn Massey. District Governors have been Ervin Miles, Nathan Simpson. Hassel A. Byrd served as District Secretary.
Ervin Miles served as National Director from 1978 to 1980, Vice President of Ruritan National in 1983, and was elected President of Ruritan National in 1984.
From 1972 to 1983 the club has an unbroken perfect attendance record. Ervin Miles, Nathan Simpson, W. R. Simmons, Jr. and William Simmons have 100% attendance records since the club was organized in 1962. The 1983 roster of members is given here and symbols indicate charter members (#) and past presidents (*).
Bobby Aldridge
L. B. Aldridge, Jr.
Boyd Byrd
Hassel A. Byrd #*
Lindey J. Byrd
Roy Byrd #
Jeffrey Campbell
D. O. Chandler, Jr. #
Dwight Chandler *
Wilbur Chandler *
Leo Dabbs
O. M. Dabbs, Jr. #
Tony Dabbs
Wayne Dabbs *
Melvin Dollar
Morris Fuqua #**
Larry Fuquay
J. O. Gregory #*
Bob Hillman
Harvey Holden
W. M. Kimbro, Jr. *
Alvis King
Buddy King
Lewis King #*
George Lea
Eugene Massey
Lynn Massey *
Monroe Massey
Ervin Miles #*
Graham Miles #
Jimmy Nixon *
Tommy Pattillo #
M. Q. Plumblee #*
Gilmer Rascoe *
Charlie Rice
William Ribelin
Herman Roberts *
Brodie Simmons *
W. R. Simmons, Jr. #*
William Simmons #
Nathan Simpson #**
Tommie Smith
Herbert Stanfield
Steve Stanfield *
Harvey Tate *
George Terrell
William Travis
Lawrence Walker #
Michael Walker
Aaron Wright #
Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, pp. 80-82.
The Caswell Messenger Newspaper 6 Aug 1931
Two Thousand People Attend the Funeral of Dr. J. A. Pinnix Thursday
Beloved Physician and Proud Veteran of the Confederacy is Laid to Rest at Bethel Church in the Presence of What Was Estimated to be the Largest Concourse of People Ever Gathered at a Funeral in Caswell. Rev. J.S. Carden of Durham and Rev. J.S. Jones of Cross Roads Church Officiate. The finest character created by any writer of the 19th century was the good Scotch physician, Doctor McClure, (Dr. John Watson) in Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, according to Bishop William McDowell's opinion. One cannot read of great unselfish services rendered to scattered people of the extensive parish in the rugged highlands of Scotland by Dr. McClure without realizing that he is in the presence of one of the really great men of the earth.
On last Thursday the family and numerous friends of Dr. John Alexander Pinnix of Caswell County laid to rest in the quiet country church yard at Baynes Store the mortal remains of a similar character, who had spent his long and useful life in devoted and unselfish service to mankind. It was estimated that there were two thousand people present at the funeral. Twelve ministers were there, two of whom officiated. These were Rev J.S. Carden, pastor of the Christian Church in Durham and the Rev. J.S. Jones, pastor of the Cross Roads Presbyterian Church.
The aged physician had been a loyal Mason and was buried with Masonic honors by the Cas-Lodge No. 539, assisted by the Yanceyville, Burlington and Mebane lodges, Dr. Patton of Elon College acted as master of ceremonies. Dr. Pinnix had long been the chairman of the Oxford Orphanage committee in his lodge. He loved Masonry devotedly, it is said.
Dr. John Alexander Pinnix, son of John Calvin and Barbara Pinnix was born in Caswell county on Oct. 8 1846, and died at his home in Caswell County at Baynes Store on July 29th, 1931, which made the days of his life to be 84 years, nine months and 21 days.
As a young man he read medicine at The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Baltimore and under the direction of Dr. Yancey of Yanceyville. He began the practice of medicine in 1875 while living at his birthplace in the Stoney Creek township. Thirty-five years ago he moved to Corbett, where he has lived and labored ever since. In August of 1894 Dr. Pinnix was married to Miss Ester Walker, daughter of Lieut. L.H. Walker of Caswell, who survives her husband. This union was blessed with one child, Mrs. A. Clay Murray, of Corbett, who, with her husband, resides with her mother. A foster daughter, Mrs. Clyde Fuqua of Hightowers also survives.
Dr. Pinnix was the last of his father's family. Some cousins of his now living are, W.B. Pinnix of Danville, Mrs. Virginia Hatchett of Ruffin and J. Charles Pinnix, a lawyer in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. W. B. Pinnix of Danville is the son of Alexander Kerr Pinnix. He says the name of "Alexander " in Dr. Pinnix's name was placed there in honor of Alexander K. Pinnix, who mas a magistrate at Pelham for 50 years.
Dr. Pinnix had a honorable war record, as a follow of Lee and Jackson, and is said to have been a gallant soldier. He entered the Confederate Army at the age of 16 and served continuously from then to the close of the war, being paroled as a lieutenant at Appomattox following the surrender. He kept his parole which is said to be the only one now known to be in the county. He was a member of company E, Eleventh North Carolina Regiment.
Mrs. Pinnix said that the Doctor accepted the Christian faith many years ago, but did not make a public profession of his faith until about ten years ago. She said the good Doctor assured her, before his death, that he was ready to go. When Kirk's army marched to Caswell to avenge the death of Stevens, some of Kirk's men captured Dr. Pinnix at Slade's Mill, and were marching with him towards Yanceyville. On the march Dr. Pinnix, then but a young man, escaped and hastened ahead to warn the people of Yanceyville that Kirk was coming.
No one but the Recording Angel knows how many people Dr. Pinnix has helped, during the half century of his active practice as a physician. It is said that he practiced medicine for love not money. He was never known to ask if the patient was able to pay, before responding to a call, and he never failed to go when called, even by a pauper.
Dr. John Pinnix has helped many people to purchase a farm or a home and was never known to foreclose on any one. He always gave his debtors all the time needed.
In the death of Caswell's veteran physician many have lost a wise counsellor. He would write a deed or a will for anyone and would never take a cent of pay. In his latter years when his trembling hand made writing difficult for him, he would ask his daughter, Mrs. Murray, to serve as his amanuensis.
Those who knew Dr. Pinnix well say that he lived only to help his fellow-men, as a tender hearted, skillful physician, as a wise counsellor, as a generous benefactor and as a patriotic citizen Dr. Pinnix was a zealous Confederate. But when the war was over he emulated Robert E. Lee and gave ardent and sincere devotion to the Union.
Such a man deserves a fitting memorial. The Messenger suggest that the proper steps be taken to secure and establish a fitting memorial to the high character and beneficent service of Dr. John Alexander Pinnix.
Two Thousand People Attend the Funeral of Dr. J. A. Pinnix Thursday
Beloved Physician and Proud Veteran of the Confederacy is Laid to Rest at Bethel Church in the Presence of What Was Estimated to be the Largest Concourse of People Ever Gathered at a Funeral in Caswell. Rev. J.S. Carden of Durham and Rev. J.S. Jones of Cross Roads Church Officiate. The finest character created by any writer of the 19th century was the good Scotch physician, Doctor McClure, (Dr. John Watson) in Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, according to Bishop William McDowell's opinion. One cannot read of great unselfish services rendered to scattered people of the extensive parish in the rugged highlands of Scotland by Dr. McClure without realizing that he is in the presence of one of the really great men of the earth.
On last Thursday the family and numerous friends of Dr. John Alexander Pinnix of Caswell County laid to rest in the quiet country church yard at Baynes Store the mortal remains of a similar character, who had spent his long and useful life in devoted and unselfish service to mankind. It was estimated that there were two thousand people present at the funeral. Twelve ministers were there, two of whom officiated. These were Rev J.S. Carden, pastor of the Christian Church in Durham and the Rev. J.S. Jones, pastor of the Cross Roads Presbyterian Church.
The aged physician had been a loyal Mason and was buried with Masonic honors by the Cas-Lodge No. 539, assisted by the Yanceyville, Burlington and Mebane lodges, Dr. Patton of Elon College acted as master of ceremonies. Dr. Pinnix had long been the chairman of the Oxford Orphanage committee in his lodge. He loved Masonry devotedly, it is said.
Dr. John Alexander Pinnix, son of John Calvin and Barbara Pinnix was born in Caswell county on Oct. 8 1846, and died at his home in Caswell County at Baynes Store on July 29th, 1931, which made the days of his life to be 84 years, nine months and 21 days.
As a young man he read medicine at The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Baltimore and under the direction of Dr. Yancey of Yanceyville. He began the practice of medicine in 1875 while living at his birthplace in the Stoney Creek township. Thirty-five years ago he moved to Corbett, where he has lived and labored ever since. In August of 1894 Dr. Pinnix was married to Miss Ester Walker, daughter of Lieut. L.H. Walker of Caswell, who survives her husband. This union was blessed with one child, Mrs. A. Clay Murray, of Corbett, who, with her husband, resides with her mother. A foster daughter, Mrs. Clyde Fuqua of Hightowers also survives.
Dr. Pinnix was the last of his father's family. Some cousins of his now living are, W.B. Pinnix of Danville, Mrs. Virginia Hatchett of Ruffin and J. Charles Pinnix, a lawyer in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. W. B. Pinnix of Danville is the son of Alexander Kerr Pinnix. He says the name of "Alexander " in Dr. Pinnix's name was placed there in honor of Alexander K. Pinnix, who mas a magistrate at Pelham for 50 years.
Dr. Pinnix had a honorable war record, as a follow of Lee and Jackson, and is said to have been a gallant soldier. He entered the Confederate Army at the age of 16 and served continuously from then to the close of the war, being paroled as a lieutenant at Appomattox following the surrender. He kept his parole which is said to be the only one now known to be in the county. He was a member of company E, Eleventh North Carolina Regiment.
Mrs. Pinnix said that the Doctor accepted the Christian faith many years ago, but did not make a public profession of his faith until about ten years ago. She said the good Doctor assured her, before his death, that he was ready to go. When Kirk's army marched to Caswell to avenge the death of Stevens, some of Kirk's men captured Dr. Pinnix at Slade's Mill, and were marching with him towards Yanceyville. On the march Dr. Pinnix, then but a young man, escaped and hastened ahead to warn the people of Yanceyville that Kirk was coming.
No one but the Recording Angel knows how many people Dr. Pinnix has helped, during the half century of his active practice as a physician. It is said that he practiced medicine for love not money. He was never known to ask if the patient was able to pay, before responding to a call, and he never failed to go when called, even by a pauper.
Dr. John Pinnix has helped many people to purchase a farm or a home and was never known to foreclose on any one. He always gave his debtors all the time needed.
In the death of Caswell's veteran physician many have lost a wise counsellor. He would write a deed or a will for anyone and would never take a cent of pay. In his latter years when his trembling hand made writing difficult for him, he would ask his daughter, Mrs. Murray, to serve as his amanuensis.
Those who knew Dr. Pinnix well say that he lived only to help his fellow-men, as a tender hearted, skillful physician, as a wise counsellor, as a generous benefactor and as a patriotic citizen Dr. Pinnix was a zealous Confederate. But when the war was over he emulated Robert E. Lee and gave ardent and sincere devotion to the Union.
Such a man deserves a fitting memorial. The Messenger suggest that the proper steps be taken to secure and establish a fitting memorial to the high character and beneficent service of Dr. John Alexander Pinnix.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute (Caswell County, NC)
Click to See Larger Image |
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute, an elementary and high school near Baynes Store. Dr. J. A. Pinnix gave the land and neighbors gave logs and timber to erect this building in 1905. The upstairs was used as a Masonic Lodge. The Tony post office was nearby.1
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute (The Academy) was located on the east side of Highway 119 near Dr. Pinnix's home.2
1 Powell, William S. When the Past Refused to Die: A History of Caswell County North Carolina 1777-1977. Durham (North Carolina): Moore Publishing Company, 1977, p. 396.
2 Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p. 71.
Gunn Memorial Public Library History
History of the Gunn Memorial Public Library
On May 1, 2019, a ribbon cutting celebrated opening of the expanded Gunn Memorial Public Library in Yanceyville, North Carolina. This significant expansion (almost doubling the library size) was made possible by grants totaling $2,369,178. Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation provided $995,000 to help launch the project.
The Gunn Memorial Public Library has been an important Caswell County institution for decades, assisting in the education and entertainment of its residents, and providing a repository for valuable historical materials. Local newspapers show that early county libraries were in schools. No public library existed until 1937 when the Caswell County Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) assembled books from various sources and opened a library in the basement of the Agriculture Building in Yanceyville, naming it the Confederate Memorial Library. The organizing UDC committee members were, Mrs. Mary Oliver Kerr, Mrs. Helen Florance Gwynn, and Mrs. Emily Doughty Seagrove.
Click to See Larger Image |
The Gunn Memorial Public Library has been an important Caswell County institution for decades, assisting in the education and entertainment of its residents, and providing a repository for valuable historical materials. Local newspapers show that early county libraries were in schools. No public library existed until 1937 when the Caswell County Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) assembled books from various sources and opened a library in the basement of the Agriculture Building in Yanceyville, naming it the Confederate Memorial Library. The organizing UDC committee members were, Mrs. Mary Oliver Kerr, Mrs. Helen Florance Gwynn, and Mrs. Emily Doughty Seagrove.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Fitch School (Anderson Township, Caswell County)
Fitch School (Anderson Township, Caswell County)
This was one of the small (often one-room) rural schools in Caswell County, North Carolina, used before school consolidation in the 1920s.
According to historian M. Q. Plumblee the Fitch School was located behind the Dr. J. A. Pinnix home. See photograph.
This is Dr. John Alexander Pinnix, M.D. (1846-1931)
This was one of the small (often one-room) rural schools in Caswell County, North Carolina, used before school consolidation in the 1920s.
Dr. J. A. Pinnix, M.D. Home |
This is Dr. John Alexander Pinnix, M.D. (1846-1931)
McCauley's Store (Anderson Township, Caswell County, NC)
Click to See Larger Image |
"Another early store was McCauley's. The first known reference to it by this author was as of October 2, 1818. (See chapter on 'Schools' herein.). Recently James L. Florance, Jr. of Route #1, Mebane, N.C. and grandson of Effie (Boswell) Florance (Mrs. John), born 1895, questioned his grandmother about the store. She well remembered and described it as about 20' X 40'. The location according to her, was on the west side of present highway number 119 and about six tenths mile north of the Alamance-Caswell County line. She also stated that there were no trees surrounding it. At that time the old road was slightly east of the present highway.
"On December 9, 1983, the same James L. Florance, Jr. visited this writer and stated that he had conferred with Eugene 'Genie' Murray, about age 90, concerning the same store. Following his interview with Murray, this writer made a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hall, with whom Murray resides with his sister on the Union Ridge road at the old Fletcher O'Ferrell homestead. The story which Murray told both parties coincided as described here.
Tony Post Office (Caswell County, North Carolina_
Click to See Larger Image |
Another US Post Office in Anderson Township was Tony. It opened February 1, 1890, with James E. Hensley as postmaster, and closed in 1908 (with mail service transferred to Watson in Alamance County).
Postmasters: James E. Hensley; John D. Whitted; John Mc. Smith; Benanna Walker; Thompson N. Smith; and Brown V. Vaughn.
M. Q. Plumblee provided the following:
"Official records show that a post office was operated at 'Tony, N.C.' from 1890 until 1908. Therefore all the mail received and distributed was at McCauley's Store. In conclusion, the original location of the store and post office was across the pond from the present John W. Huffines residence. The back part of the store projected out over a part of the slope leading down to the pond. The front part faced directly east.
"The building continued to be known even today as 'Old Tony.' While the building was located at the second and third sites it was operated by Lorenzo Smith, partners Moss W. Miles and Thomas E. Smith, Bill Fitch, Jim Kimbro, Silas Kimbro, and others. The third and present location is on the west side of highway #119.
"Tradition says that a 'man of color' carried mail from Tony, N.C. post office on mule back to Pinson's Store on Pinson Creek, and while enroute some of the citizens along the way asked for their mail. Reports indicate that the carrier agreeably complied."
Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, pp. 20-21, and 28.
Anderson Post Office (Caswell County, North Carolina)
Anderson Post Office
The first US Post Office at Anderson was named Anderson's Store. It opened December 13, 1814, with Quinton Anderson (1783-1854) as postmaster. In 1892 the name was simplified to Anderson, with George Anderson [probably George Andrew Anderson (1869-1945)) as postmaster. The post office closed in 1906, with mail service transferred to Union Ridge in Alamance County.
M. Q. Plumblee stated that this post office (and the store in which it was housed) was located at or near the intersection of what now is Highway 62 and Baynes Road (S.R.-1001).
"Anderson's Store was one of the early ones built in Anderson Township. It was located across the road from the Quinton Anderson residence. The west end of the present James W. Tate's residence is located over a part of the old store site."
Source: Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p.20.
The first US Post Office at Anderson was named Anderson's Store. It opened December 13, 1814, with Quinton Anderson (1783-1854) as postmaster. In 1892 the name was simplified to Anderson, with George Anderson [probably George Andrew Anderson (1869-1945)) as postmaster. The post office closed in 1906, with mail service transferred to Union Ridge in Alamance County.
M. Q. Plumblee stated that this post office (and the store in which it was housed) was located at or near the intersection of what now is Highway 62 and Baynes Road (S.R.-1001).
"Anderson's Store was one of the early ones built in Anderson Township. It was located across the road from the Quinton Anderson residence. The west end of the present James W. Tate's residence is located over a part of the old store site."
Source: Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p.20.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Oakview Presbyterian Church (Caswell County, North Carolina)
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Oakview Presbyterian Church south of Yanceyville began as a chapel and Sunday School sponsored by the Yanceyville Presbyterian Church and led by Mr. C. D. Covington and Mrs. Mary Oliver Kerr. Many members have served on boards and committees of Orange Presbytery and now Salem Presbytery. Both home and global missions have been supported over the years. In 2005 the church was recognized by Salem Presbytery for having missions of all the 151 churches in the presbytery. Caswell Parish has been the primary home mission ministry of the church from the beginning of the parish and continues to be. Beyond the regular benevolent giving for missions, the church has strongly supported Pennies for Hunger, a ministry that provides crisis support and long-term efforts to alleviate the root causes of hunger at home and abroad. Beginning in 2006 the church provides food for a dozen homeless orphans in North Korea.
Source: Program of Yanceyville Presbyterian Church (Yanceyville, North Carolina) Homecoming 2007.
Fitch (Caswell County, North Carolina)
Fitch's Store/Fitch
From 1876 until 1926 a US Post Office operated in the Fitch community between Anderson and Yanceyville on or near what now is NC Highway 62. In 1876 it was named "Fitch's Store." In 1892 the name was changed to "Fitch."
Postmasters: Hannibal A. Adams; Anderson A. Fitch; Anderson N. Fitch; Livingston L. Blackwell; Joseph L. Dabbs; Yancey I. Chandler; Rufus B. Dabbs.
Exactly where is Fitch? Before some changes were made in the area, Old Highway 62 directly intersected New Highway 62. Very near here was/is Fitch, which was there long before new Highway 62 was built in the 1950s.
Actually, part of Oakview Loop Road was the end of Old Highway 62 (now named Badgett Sisters Parkway). Some place Fitch at the intersection of Oakview Loop Road and Alvis Boswell Road. Find the site of the old Fitch's Store, and you have located Fitch.
"Post offices in Anderson township with opening and closing dates were: Fitch's Store, 1876-1892, which later became Fitch, 1896-1911. The location was on present old highway number 62 immediately south of intersection of country road number 1120. The North Carolina Department of Transportation map improperly places the site at intersection of county road number 1119 and old highway number 62."
Thus, according to historian M. Q. Plumblee, Fitch's Store was located on old Highway 62 immediately south of its intersection with Marshall Graves Road (S.R.-1120), and not at the intersection with Alvis Boswell Road (S.R.-1119).
Source: Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p. 28.
Fitch's Store (Caswell County, NC): Newspaper Items
Presidential Campaign.
Messrs. J. H. Dobson and J. T. Strayhorn, the respective Democratic and Republican Electors for the 5th District of N.C., will address the people upon the national issues at the following places [only Caswell County locations shown]:
Fitch's Store, Caswell County, Saturday, Oct. 27th.
Milton, Caswell County, Monday, Oct 29th.
The Daily Evening Patriot (Greensboro, North Carolina), 22 October 1888, Monday, Page 1.
"Commissions have been sent to the following 4th class post masters: Annie R. Tapp, Dort; Joseph L. Dobbs [Dabbs], Fitch's Store; Mattie E. Phillips, Yadkin College."
Weekly Transcript and Messenger (Goldsboro, North Carolina), 22 July 1886, Friday, Page 1.
"The dead body of a colored man named George Oliver, was found near Fitch's Store in Caswell county, a day or two since. He is supposed to have been foully dealt with."
The Biblical Recorder (Raleigh, North Carolina), 18 April 1888, Wednesday, Page 3.
"Revenue Collector Simmons to-day received a report from Deputy Collector Moffit of the capture of a 50-gallon illicit distillery, near Fitch's Store, Caswell County. The operators escaped."
The Wilmington Messenger (Wilmington, North Carolina), 29 July 1894, Sunday, Page 1.
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Postmasters: Hannibal A. Adams; Anderson A. Fitch; Anderson N. Fitch; Livingston L. Blackwell; Joseph L. Dabbs; Yancey I. Chandler; Rufus B. Dabbs.
Exactly where is Fitch? Before some changes were made in the area, Old Highway 62 directly intersected New Highway 62. Very near here was/is Fitch, which was there long before new Highway 62 was built in the 1950s.
Actually, part of Oakview Loop Road was the end of Old Highway 62 (now named Badgett Sisters Parkway). Some place Fitch at the intersection of Oakview Loop Road and Alvis Boswell Road. Find the site of the old Fitch's Store, and you have located Fitch.
"Post offices in Anderson township with opening and closing dates were: Fitch's Store, 1876-1892, which later became Fitch, 1896-1911. The location was on present old highway number 62 immediately south of intersection of country road number 1120. The North Carolina Department of Transportation map improperly places the site at intersection of county road number 1119 and old highway number 62."
Thus, according to historian M. Q. Plumblee, Fitch's Store was located on old Highway 62 immediately south of its intersection with Marshall Graves Road (S.R.-1120), and not at the intersection with Alvis Boswell Road (S.R.-1119).
Source: Plumblee, Millard Quentin. From Rabbit Shuffle to Collins Hill: Stories of Southern Caswell County, North Carolina. Burlington (North Carolina): Full Service Printing, 1984, p. 28.
Fitch's Store (Caswell County, NC): Newspaper Items
Presidential Campaign.
Messrs. J. H. Dobson and J. T. Strayhorn, the respective Democratic and Republican Electors for the 5th District of N.C., will address the people upon the national issues at the following places [only Caswell County locations shown]:
Fitch's Store, Caswell County, Saturday, Oct. 27th.
Milton, Caswell County, Monday, Oct 29th.
The Daily Evening Patriot (Greensboro, North Carolina), 22 October 1888, Monday, Page 1.
"Commissions have been sent to the following 4th class post masters: Annie R. Tapp, Dort; Joseph L. Dobbs [Dabbs], Fitch's Store; Mattie E. Phillips, Yadkin College."
Weekly Transcript and Messenger (Goldsboro, North Carolina), 22 July 1886, Friday, Page 1.
"The dead body of a colored man named George Oliver, was found near Fitch's Store in Caswell county, a day or two since. He is supposed to have been foully dealt with."
The Biblical Recorder (Raleigh, North Carolina), 18 April 1888, Wednesday, Page 3.
"Revenue Collector Simmons to-day received a report from Deputy Collector Moffit of the capture of a 50-gallon illicit distillery, near Fitch's Store, Caswell County. The operators escaped."
The Wilmington Messenger (Wilmington, North Carolina), 29 July 1894, Sunday, Page 1.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Caswell County Secondary Road Names
Caswell County Secondary Road Names
For decades Caswell County secondary roads/streets were identified by road number only. For various reasons, including providing better information for public services (such as first responders), names were added to these roads and streets. Some had been informally called by these names before official designation.
Atwater Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1592)
Badgett Sisters Parkway (SR-1156)
Barnwell Road (SR-1774)
Bertha Wilson Road (SR-1511)
Blackwell Road (SR-1319)
Burton Chapel Road (SR-1736)
Foster Road (SR-1321)
Griers Church Road (SR-1710)
Hatchett Road (SR-1123)
Hodges Dairy Road (SR-1311)
Jack Pointer Road (SR-1557)
Marshall Graves Road (SR-1120)
Mary Jane Bigelow Road (SR-1730)
Melvin Wrenn Road (SR-1518)
Moorefield Road (SR-1745)
Oak Tree Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1743)
Osmond Road (SR-1562)
Page Road (SR-1320)
Pallie Watlington Road (SR-1312)
Pemberton Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1593)
Snatchburg Road (SR-1543)
Solomon Lea Road (SR-1561)
Stephentown Road (SR-164)
Twin Chimney Road (SR-1570)
Weadon Road (SR-1534)
North Carolina G.S. 153A-239.1 authorizes a county to name or rename any public road, but a county cannot change the name of a State maintained road unless agreed to by the Board of Transportation. The present policy of the Board of Transportation to change the name of a secondary road will be at the request of a county board of commissioners. Requests for road name changes within municipal limits should be sent to the Powell Bill Program in the Fiscal Branch. Requests for road name changes on state maintained roads outside of municipal limits should be sent to the Chief Engineer's Office.
The official name of a secondary road is first established at the time of addition to the State Highway System. If a road was not added by petition (such as the original roads of 1931 and additions to the map in 1944), they are considered to have no name unless a name was submitted on the addition form.
For decades Caswell County secondary roads/streets were identified by road number only. For various reasons, including providing better information for public services (such as first responders), names were added to these roads and streets. Some had been informally called by these names before official designation.
Atwater Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1592)
Badgett Sisters Parkway (SR-1156)
Barnwell Road (SR-1774)
Bertha Wilson Road (SR-1511)
Blackwell Road (SR-1319)
Burton Chapel Road (SR-1736)
Foster Road (SR-1321)
Griers Church Road (SR-1710)
Hatchett Road (SR-1123)
Hodges Dairy Road (SR-1311)
Jack Pointer Road (SR-1557)
Marshall Graves Road (SR-1120)
Mary Jane Bigelow Road (SR-1730)
Melvin Wrenn Road (SR-1518)
Moorefield Road (SR-1745)
Oak Tree Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1743)
Osmond Road (SR-1562)
Page Road (SR-1320)
Pallie Watlington Road (SR-1312)
Pemberton Street (Yanceyville) (SR-1593)
Snatchburg Road (SR-1543)
Solomon Lea Road (SR-1561)
Stephentown Road (SR-164)
Twin Chimney Road (SR-1570)
Weadon Road (SR-1534)
North Carolina G.S. 153A-239.1 authorizes a county to name or rename any public road, but a county cannot change the name of a State maintained road unless agreed to by the Board of Transportation. The present policy of the Board of Transportation to change the name of a secondary road will be at the request of a county board of commissioners. Requests for road name changes within municipal limits should be sent to the Powell Bill Program in the Fiscal Branch. Requests for road name changes on state maintained roads outside of municipal limits should be sent to the Chief Engineer's Office.
The official name of a secondary road is first established at the time of addition to the State Highway System. If a road was not added by petition (such as the original roads of 1931 and additions to the map in 1944), they are considered to have no name unless a name was submitted on the addition form.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Yanceyville Academy (Yanceyville, NC)
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In 1924 Yanceyville students attended the new Bartlett Yancey School. The old Yanceyville Academy building for a while was used as a teacherage (boarding house for teachers) and at some time as overflow classrooms.
Based upon the 1930 United States Federal Census it appears that the building was used as a "teacherage" when that census was taken. The Bartlett Yancey School built in 1924 soon was inadequate physically and plans were adopted for a separate high school building (built 1935/1936). Thus, it apparently was during 1930-1935/36 that the old Yanceyville Academy building was used for overflow classrooms.
Note: While the name "Yanceyville Academy" was retained, the school had been converted to a public facility around 1910 (but possibly earlier; see below).
Friday, May 10, 2019
Yanceyville Academy Final Graduating Class in 1923
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1. Robert Glenn Reagan (1905-1992)
2. Earmine Lee Poteat (1898-1979)
3. Tom Jones: possibly Thomas Oldham Jones, Jr. (1903-1935)
4. John Alfred Bradner (1905-1964)
5. Laura Oliver: possibly Laura Mabel Oliver (1909-1977)
6. Hansford Bradner (1904-1987)
7. James Mitchell: possibly James Masten Mitchell (1899-1965)
8. Ernest Frederick Upchurch, Jr. (1907-1954)
9. Erastus Ralph Massey (1907-1976)
10. James Slade: possibly James Nathaniel Slade (1902-1968)
Thursday, May 09, 2019
Caswell County Old Field Schools
Old Field Schools
Many Caswell residents began their education at one of several small neighborhood schoolhouses scattered about the county, Poteat's being typical. When sufficient need arose, a small plot of land would he deeded to the County Board of Education for minimal consideration, the possession to revert to the grantor if the educational use should ever be discontinued. On the appointed day, prospective patrons and their helpers would gather at the site and put up a building in a surprisingly short time. The county would then contract and pay a teacher from some time in October until late February for the "free school." If the term should be extended, patrons paid the salary for the "subscription school."
During the term the teacher would room and board in the community and probably walk, as did the students, sometimes up to three miles "'cross the creek, over the cow pasture and through the woods" as Mrs. Ernest Foster of Yanceyville Baptist Home recalls. The familiar "teacher load" was usually fewer than 40 -- not too bad even today or at least yesterday -- hut how about that number of all ages from 6 to 17 learning at all levels from Grade One through Grade Seven? And all in the same room? Heat was provided from a pot-bellied stove sitting in a sand box, according to Mrs. Foster, and water was obtained by dipping from a pail filled at the nearest spring.
About 1924, according to lifelong school-man M. Q. Plumblee, these little schools became consolidated and in 1926 came transportation by motor (these figures are approximate, he cautions, as some schools like Poteat's closed earlier and some closed later). The fact is that, surprisingly enough, the children did manage to get a fundamental education and some even managed to like it so much that they went on to higher schools and colleges. Education did take place in spite of frost-bitten fingers and toes, and epidemics generated by the dipper-and-pail.
Source: Caswell County Historical Association Newsletter, Volume IX, Number 4 (October 1986), Sallie P. Anderson, Editor.
Below is a partial list of the type of Caswell County schools described above:
Blackwell's School (Quick)
Burke School
Byrd School
Chesterfield School
Dameron School
Poteat One-Room School |
During the term the teacher would room and board in the community and probably walk, as did the students, sometimes up to three miles "'cross the creek, over the cow pasture and through the woods" as Mrs. Ernest Foster of Yanceyville Baptist Home recalls. The familiar "teacher load" was usually fewer than 40 -- not too bad even today or at least yesterday -- hut how about that number of all ages from 6 to 17 learning at all levels from Grade One through Grade Seven? And all in the same room? Heat was provided from a pot-bellied stove sitting in a sand box, according to Mrs. Foster, and water was obtained by dipping from a pail filled at the nearest spring.
About 1924, according to lifelong school-man M. Q. Plumblee, these little schools became consolidated and in 1926 came transportation by motor (these figures are approximate, he cautions, as some schools like Poteat's closed earlier and some closed later). The fact is that, surprisingly enough, the children did manage to get a fundamental education and some even managed to like it so much that they went on to higher schools and colleges. Education did take place in spite of frost-bitten fingers and toes, and epidemics generated by the dipper-and-pail.
Source: Caswell County Historical Association Newsletter, Volume IX, Number 4 (October 1986), Sallie P. Anderson, Editor.
Below is a partial list of the type of Caswell County schools described above:
Blackwell's School (Quick)
Burke School
Byrd School
Chesterfield School
Dameron School
Denton School (Stoney Creek Township)
Fitch School
Gillespie's Old School
Hunt Town School
Jones School
Fitch School
Gillespie's Old School
Hunt Town School
Jones School
Leasburg School
Locust Hill One-Room Log School
Moore School
New Ephesus School
Pelham School
Locust Hill One-Room Log School
Moore School
New Ephesus School
Pelham School
Pine Forest (Stoney Creek Township)
Piney Grove School
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute
Poteat One-Room School
Prospect School
Piney Grove School
Pinnix and Hurdle Institute
Poteat One-Room School
Prospect School
Prospect Hill School
New Hope School
Ridgeville School
Simpson School
New Hope School
Ridgeville School
Simpson School
Stadler School (Stoney Creek Township)
Stoney Creek School (Stoney Creek Township)
Sweet Gum School
Tate School (Stoney Creek Township)
Trinity School
Sweet Gum School
Tate School (Stoney Creek Township)
Trinity School
Walnut Grove (Stoney Creek Township)
Williamson School (Blanch)
Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Dillard Middle School (Yanceyville, NC)
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Dillard Middle School
Julius Lee Clayton (right) was long associated with that school (served as principal). Ralph Ward to left, Mrs. Greene seated.
Some teacher names on the blackboard: Haygood, Boston, Graves, Long, Baker, Stillwell, Harrison, Blount, Wallace, Henderson, Bloomer, Haith, Slayton.
Subjects on the Board: English; Algebra; Civics; Home Economics; Agriculture; Physical Education; Band; and TV SC (science).
Dillard Middle School (Yanceyville, North Carolina), probably 1970s.
Monday, May 06, 2019
Caswell County High School Consolidation
High School Consolidation: Caswell County, North Carolina
Prospect Hill High School |
Oddly, while closure of the Prospect Hill School had been debated since the early 1950s it was the last to send its high school students to Yanceyville (1966). Prospect Hill residents, led by Geneva Elizabeth Williams Warren (Mrs. Joseph Hardy Warren) (1922-1992), fought consolidation for decades. The community even raised money to pay teachers in order to avoid consolidation at Yanceyville.
Plans were considered as early as 1924 to consolidate Caswell County schools. However, it was not until 1966 that high school consolidation was completed (when Prospect Hill High School finally was consolidated with Bartlett Yancey High School).
In 1924, Caswell County had twenty-one small one-teacher schools, presumably just counting white schools. Some private academies still were operating, and Leasburg, Milton, and Yanceyville had what could be described as high schools. Photograph: Poteat one-room school house.
Today (2022), Caswell County has only six schools: four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school.
North Elementary School
Oakwood Elementary School
South Elementary School
Stoney Creek Elementary School
N. L. Dillard Middle School
Bartlett Yancey Senior High School [which is incorrectly named because there is no Bartlett Yancey Junior High School]
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