Friday, May 31, 2024

Yanceyville National Farm Loan Association: 1917

 Yanceyville National Farm Loan Association

A Voice From Caswell County

Mr. Editor: What is known as the Yanceyville National Farm Loan Association, of Caswell County, has been organized. it comprises the following teritory: Yanceyville Township, Locust Hill Township, Pelham Township and Stony [sic] Creek Township.

President, R. A. King

Vice-President, J. H. King

Directors -- W. T. Williamson, Walter King, and Thos. Graves

Loan Committee -- J. W. Williamson, Rufus Graves and Washington Graves

All persons wishing to join the Association in the above territory must apply to S. P. Grogan, Sec. and Treas., Yanceyville, N.C., R.F.D. 1. The Association consists of a $20,000 loan. S. P. G. R. 1, Yanceyville, N.C.

The Union Republican (Winston-Salem, NC), 11 January 1917.


This was a co-operative organization established by federal statute to provide loans to individual farmers and their families. Under the act, farmers could borrow up to 50% of the value of their land and 20% of the value of their improvements. The minimum loan was $100 and the maximum was $10,000. Loans were paid off through amortization over 5 to 40 years.

Borrowers also purchased shares of the National Farm Loan Association. This meant it served as a cooperative agency that lent money from farmer to farmer.

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