Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Genealogy Pet Peeves

Genealogy Pet Peeves (among others)

1. While perhaps beggars should not complain, on this list I include those who share photographs by embedding them in an email message instead of attaching the files. I know how to extract these images, but it requires some technical expertise (converting to html, etc.).

2. Horribly written obituaries. I understand the stress family members are under when providing even the basics for publication and blame more the publishing editors who do a hatchet job on what is provided.

3. Those who post on Facebook (and elsewhere) just wonderful images and stories and assume all can identify the people. Please, just provide the basic information. Who are these people?

4. Due to my extensive online presence I often receive requests for information. I do my best to help. However, what really irritates me is when I spend hours researching for a person only to receive a reply such as: "Oh, I already knew all that." So, when asking for help, please state up front what you already know.

5. Those who refer to their ancestors in the past tense. Example: "He was my uncle." Well, he remains so. That he is dead does negate the family relationship.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association Officers 1949-1950

North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association Officers 1949-1950

Officers For 1949-50 -- New officers of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association who were elected and installed today at the 69th annual convention at the Washington Duke, are shown in the top picture, and the officers of the Woman's Auxiliary are in the lower picture.

Left to right, they are: Pharmacists -- Seated, W. B. Gurley, Winston-Salem, third vice-president; W. J. Smith, Chapel Hill, secretary-treasurer; and T. J. Ham Jr., Yanceyville, retiring president and new executive board member. Standing, J. C. Jackson, Lumberton, president; W. R. McDonald Jr., Hickory, first vice-president; J. Paul Gamble, Monroe, second vice-president; R. N. Watson, Sanford, member of the N. C. Board of Pharmacy.

The women are: Seated, Mrs. M. L. Jacobs, Chapel Hill, retiring president; Mrs. W. A. Ward, Swannanoa, president; and Mrs. T. J. Ham Jr., Yanceyville, second vice-president. Standing, Mrs. Stephen Forrest, Greensboro, first vice-president; and Mrs. H. C. Starling, Raleigh, adviser.

Source: The Durham Sun (Durham, North Carolina), 5 May 1949, Thursday, Page 1.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Caswell County Church Beautification Contest: 1949

Caswell County Church Beautification Contest: 1949

In 1949 a Caswell County church beautification contest was launched. All Caswell County churches were invited to participate. Only twenty-three did. This was the idea of Henry Hicks.

The idea resulted in a meeting in the office of Henry Hicks attended by Rev. H. R. Ashmore (Yanceyville Methodist Church), Rev. W. T. Baucom (First Baptist Church of Yanceyville), Rev. Herman J. Womeldorf (Yanceyville Presbyterian Church), Ralph Aldridge (Assistant County Agent), and Miss Louise Homewood (County Home Demonstration Agent). Churches would have between May 1 - December 15, 1949, to improve the appearance of the church grounds. Letters were issued to all churches in Caswell County.

The judging committee for the white churches: S. H. Abell, Principal of the Bartlett Yancey School; Edward H. Wilson, Cobb Memorial School agricultural teacher; and Mrs. George S. Wilkins, representing the home demonstration clubs.

The judging committee for the Negro churches: N. L. Dillard, Principal Caswell County Training School, B. T. Carraway, Negro County Agent, and Alonza Wallace, Caswell County Training School agricultural teacher.


Black Churches

1. High Rock Baptist Church

2. Yanceyville Baptist Church

White Churches

1. Bush Arbor Primitive Baptist Church

2. Locust Hill Methodist Church

"Caswell County Church Beautification Contest," The Herald-Sun (Durham, North Carolina), 25 December 1949, Sunday, Page 33.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

"The Leggett" Tobacco Curer: 1946

 Caswell County History: Tobacco Curer, 1946

In 1946, Caswell Motor Company [owned by John Oliver Gunn (1892-1992)] sold "The Leggett" tobacco curer, described as:

"A unit that will turn your oil into a gas and then burns the gas. The up-draft feeds the flames and the down-draft fans the flame into a level fire in the middle of the flu, assuring equal distribution of heat throughout the barn by use of two burners at no additional cost.

"Lower fuel consumption due to up and down drafts. Absence of carbon automatically assures efficient operation. No sitting up all night.

"Our price covers the cost of two burners with all operating parts installed at $150.00. This applies to all barns from 16x16 to 22x22."

The News and Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina), 18 February 1946, Monday, Page 26.

Monday, May 09, 2022

Caswell County, North Carolina, Questions

List of Caswell County Questions Asked (a sampling)

1. If the Bank of Yanceyville operated in the 1850s, why was the 1906 charter necessary? Photograph: Bank of Yanceyville Note. Click image to see a larger version.

2. Which Lord Proprietor of importance to Caswell County refused to sell his property to English King George II?

3. Who was Caswell County's first "Home Agent"?

4. Who is the youngest elected Caswell County Sheriff?

5. Who is the last living person to know the "truth" about the killing of John Walter (Chicken) Stephens?

6. What Yanceyville man appeared on Robert Ripley's radio program (Ripley's Believe It or Not!) and is listed as one of Ripley's Wonders?

7. In 1905 Yanceyville was again incorporated. But the reason was liquor. How was liquor relevant to this incorporation?

8. If the Bank of Yanceyville was chartered/incorporated in 1906 but the bank building was not completed until 1922/1923, from where did the bank do business for 16/17 years?

9. Who opened the first dry-cleaning business in Caswell County, NC?

10. In August 1937, Yanceyville's Dr. Stephen Arnold Malloy, M.D. (1872-1944) travelled to Carlsbad, NM, to attend Miss Mary Kerr Motz (1917-2005), who was ill. Question: Why would Dr. Malloy make such a trip?

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Yanceyville Presbyterian Church Educational Annex: Dedicated 1942

 Caswell County Church History: Yanceyville Presbyterian Church

On Sunday, 7 November 1942, the new religious education extension (annex) to the Yanceyville Presbyterian Church building was dedicated. Presiding was Reverend Roy F. Whitley, pastor of the historic church, which was still intact with the original chandelier, slave balconies, pews, and pulpit furniture.

Samuel M. Bason, Chairman of the Board of Deacons, presented the new structure to the church on behalf of the building committee. Dr. Stephen A. Malloy, M.D., Clerk of the Session, accepted the $15,000 building on behalf of the congregation. It was constructed with over-sized bricks to match those in the old building and to "preserve its antiquity." Plans for the future included a porch for the front, sidewalks, and a spacious lawn around the church.

Mrs. Samuel M. Bason was the soloist at the ceremony.

Source: The Bee (Danville, Virginia), 7 November 1942, Saturday, Page 11.