Saturday, February 18, 2006

Milton Mystery Building

To the left is a photograph of the Milton business district taken in the late 1930's. Can you help identify the last building to the right, which has an open lot (large tree) beside it? Some recall that this building once housed a movie theater. Do you know more about it?

The open lot to the right of the mystery building was the site of the Ferguson house. The building to the left of the mystery building now houses Aunt Millie's Pizza parlor (once was a store operated by Frank Jones).

For a larger image click Milton Business District

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1 comment:

  1. The frame house at the tree is the Ferguson house. The store to the left in the photo is the old store that became a movie theater and is now just brick walls. The Aunt Millie's (formerly Lipscomb's store) is not in the photo, but is beside the old theater building.
