Sunday, November 11, 2018

Person County: 1792

North Carolina Statutes Adopted in 1791

Laws of North Carolina

At a General Assembly, begun and held at Newbern, on the Fifth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One, and in the Sixteenth Year of the Independence of the said State: Being the First Session of Said Assembly. 1791. Alexander Martin, Esq., Governor.

CHAP. LIII. An Act for Dividing Caswell County.

I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of February next, the county of Caswell shall be equally divided by a line already run, beginning on the Virginia line, and running from thence forth to the line of Orange county.

II. And be it further enacted, That all that part of said county lying west of the line aforesaid, including the four western districts, shall continue and remain a distinct county by the name of Caswell; and that all that part lying east of said line including the four eastern districts, shall be erected into another distinct county by the name of Person.

III. And for the due administration of Justice, Be it enacted, That the courts for the county of Caswell shall be constantly held on the fourth Mondays in March, June, September and December, in each and every year; and the courts for the county of Person shall be constantly held on the third Mondays in March, June, September and December, in each and every year; and the court for the county of Caswell, after the first day of February next, shall be held at Joseph Smith's, on the fourth Monday in March next; and the first court for the county of Person shall be held at the house of John Paine, on the third Monday in March next; and the Justices for each of the said counties of Caswell and Person are hereby authorized to adjourn to such places in their respective counties as they shall think most convenient, to hold all subsequent courts, until court houses, prisons and stocks shall be built in each respective county.

IV. And be it further enacted, That the court houses in the said counties shall respectively be as nearly central as possible, regard being had to springs and situation.

V. And be it further enacted, That David Hart, Wyatt Stubblefield, David Shelton, Solomon Parks, John Graves and William Muzzle, be appointed Commissioners for the county of Caswell; and James Jones, Goodly Warrell, Samuel Woods, John Womack and Stephen Moore, be appointed Commissioners for the county of Person; which said Commissioners, or a majority of the, slall in their respective counties fix on the places where the buildings of said county shall be erected.

VI. And be it further enacted, That the Sheriffs and Collectors of the county of Caswell shall have full power and authority to collect, agreeable to law, all such taxes and arrears of taxes, and other dues, that may be due and owning from the inhabitants of said county at the time of dividing the same, in the same manner as if the said county had remained undivided.

VII. And be it further enacted, That the Justices of the county courts of Caswell and Person shall each appoint four freeholders, to serve as jurors at the superior curts for the district of Hillsborough; and the said counties shall compose part of said district.

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